Use code “HICASPER' to get a 10% discount for first your first order
Delivery starts from 1pm onward, so if you need your goodies early in the morning, we suggest placing the order to receive it a day before your event.
Prices may change depending on the design you uploaded, so please check your email for the final bill.
All Little Casper designs are uniquely made and may not copy the exact design you have attached to your pre-order.
But Little Casper Cakes will always strive to give its clients the best outcome. Like paintings, our bakers will interpret the image received and execute designs the Little Casper way if certain details are not specified by the client.
Delivery starts from 1pm onward, so if you need your goodies early in the morning, we suggest placing the order to receive it a day before your event.
Prices may change depending on the design you uploaded, so please check your email for the final bill.
Pre-order next month's cakes: pure indulgence awaits! From rich chocolate to moist, spiced carrot cakes, reserve yours now!
More flavors coming soon!